1627 semi trim
(2017-2018)Included on this item
- A Frame mounting / Rear Cab mounting
- Air cleaner stack pipe
- Cab lock rear
- Doors complete x 2
- Exterior roof lights
- Fire wall
- Floor mat
- Handbrake cover trimming
- Roof Interior light
- Quarter / Corner panel left
- Quarter / Corner panel right
- Rear wall lining
- Rear window glass
- Roof cubbie left
- Roof cubbie right
- Roof lining curtain rail
- Roof lining
- Seat belts
- Step upper single and fender left
- Step upper single and fender right
- Sunvisor's
- White cabin shell
- Windscreen
- Wiper panel
Item 13 of 13 listed under TOYOTA HINO 500
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