Select Cab or Part from the list below
A Frame mounting / Rear Cab mounting - 1
Bumper - 2
Dashboard - 2
Dashboard skin left section - 1
Dashboard trim center consul - 1
Dashboard trim consul drawer - 1
Dashboard trim cubbie - 1
Dashboard trim cup holder - 1
Dashboard trim lower centre - 1
Dashboard trim lower left - 1
Front panel - 2
Grille - 2
Handbrake cover trimming - 1
Heater blower box connector 1 - 1
Heater blower box connector 2 - 1
Lock mounting left - 1
Lock mounting right - 1
Quarter / Corner panel left - 1
Quarter / Corner panel right - 1
Quarter panel lower trim right - 1
Quarter panel trim lower left - 1
Seats passenger & middle - 1
Steering column cover lower - 1
Step box left - 1
Step box right - 1
Wiper panel - 1
Wiper panel trim strip centre - 1
Wiper panel trim strip left - 1
Wiper panel trim strip right - 1
Cabs and Parts Available
4-093, 5-103. 5-104, 6-094 |
8-145 |